Yaa I am writing about, What blogging Demands from New blogger? Why I am writing about this, I am happy to say that, I have reached certain level in blogging, in terms of earnings (This month crossed 750$.. Kudos..I can think of purchasing laptop in a months time). Also getting really good response to my blogs like never before. Getting appreciation mails from friends. First person to write me was Mr. Shaik Mastan Baba from Hyderabad. Now a regular SMS friend of mine.
I guess this is longest post I have ever written, Do you like lengthy post or short posts. Today I just got one more mail Chethan Thimmappa with subject as "Hi Bhagwat! I AM UR FAN" initially I thought it is spam, but got chance to open it and results is this post.
Back to the question, What Blogging Demands From New Blogger? Instead answering directly to the question, rather I prefer to say about How I blog?
Well I am not a full time blogger, Daily I spare two hours time from my work. This is very difficult to get two hours time from day work, if you are a software engineer then you should know hows life of software engineer.(exactly one year before I posted this, was my first from mind blogging)
Yes I spare one hour before my lunch time, and one hour in morning before going to office. This is my dedicated two hours time in weekdays for blogging. you must be wondering in two hours time how can I make these many posts. These two hours I manage very efficiently, I quickly go through my google reader feeds. check out for any new ideas, or info, check mails respond to the comments (Lata-my wife helps me in these two activities), moderate comments, and quick reading about information.
I sit in night at least for two hours, for reading and experimenting about new ideas.
1. So first lesson - put aside dedicated time for blogging, this way you will train your mind for dedicated blogging.
2. Do mind blogging.
Yes I do mind blogging most of the time. I think about blogging whenever I get time, my favorite place is bathroom, whenever I take bath I get lot of ideas (Lata Complains always why I take more time to bath). While driving also I think about how i can improve my blog contents. Train your mind for blogging. There is lot of thinking power in everybody's unconscious mind, train that mind for blogging and you see wonders.
3. Keep the Ideas
I do keep ideas in drafts, whatever idea comes, and on that I do Google, read on that and then do some experimentation, and most important share the results. Sharing blogging results is like giving back to the universe, from MIND BLOGGING. (Am I writing book on MIND BLOGGING?? I guess I can write book one day).
4. Common ABC for Blogging.
a. Like most successful blogger follows, focus on quality rather than quantity. Not necessary to post daily, but if you post quality and do mind blogging you will see results.
b. Learn a bit of HTML and PHP(PHP if you want to start your own site for long run).
c. Good written English - this will come if you do mind English speaking, speak in English with friends and avoid writing short letter like "U" instead of "you". Keep it simple, I try hard to keep my English simple but it goes like HANUMAN TAIL..
5. Finally Add "D" for blogging from you.
Like Chethan mentioned in his mail that He left click exchange program, That's good, but he can share his experience about click exchange programs, I did not do click exchange.
Rule of thumb, to be followed be follower of someone, Track the masters, Ask the masters and become follower of masters, you are better judge to decide on your masters.
[12:01 AM
There is no substitute for HARD WORK.
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