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Blogging for next level; Yes you got a blog and got indexed in google, with some pages indexed in google, you are getting quite good traffic on your blog, so you feel good, well be aware your work is more if you want to earn more. So what to do for next level of blogging?
Search out most popular links
First list out popular links on your blog, well there are number of ways to do it, I follow google analytics top pages of the month and simple & feedjit. After deciding on popular pages, now blogging for next level begins,
works to do:- Add more related keywords in that post, if possible add some widgets, in this age of advertising everybody is giving free widgets, put some related videos.
Next - make the keywords bold.
If possible try to put more adds on that page, where traffic is more, more adds means more revenue.
And most important provide internal links and reference.
Give internal links and references to drive traffic to other posts.
check out my top ten guidelines for new bloggers.
Blogging for next level; more to come.

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