the area of the brain which controls jealousy has been found, scientists have ­announced. If you’re an envious person, you have a hard time appreciating a lot of the good things that are out there, because you’re too busy worrying about how they reflect on the self
clipped from www.dailymail.co.uk

The green-eyed monster that lives in your brain: Scientists discover the jealousy lobe

Home of the green-eyed monster: This part of the frontal lobe lights up when you are jealous
the area of the brain which controls jealousy has been found, scientists have ­announced
It is the same part which detects real physical pain – perhaps explaining why feeling envious of your lover's philandering ways hurts so much
If you’re an envious person, you have a hard time appreciating a lot of the good things that are out there, because you’re too busy worrying about how they reflect on the self

'We have a saying in Japanese, ‘The misfortunes of others are the taste of honey,’' said Mr Takahashi. 'The ventral striatum is processing that ‘honey.’'

'We now have a better understanding of the mechanism at work when people take pleasure in another's misfortune,' said Mr Takahashi.

And there appears to be a relationship between jealousy and schadenfreude
Schadenfreude: This is the region of the brain that controls taking delight in other people's misfortune

Schadenfreude: This is the region of the brain that controls taking delight in other people's misfortune

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