Power of Commenting. Do you believe in "Small Drop of water helps to form Ocean". That's power of commenting to drive traffic to your blog. So you have a nice blog, and nice contents but you hardly get readers. If you are sailing in this ship then its time to change the ship. Here is simple trick to promote your blog and drive a little traffic, this little traffic means some cents or penny, and these cents helped me to earn in dollers so you.
How to make effective use of power of commenting?
Use social news or social bookmarking sites to comments.I was impressed the traffic comes to my news blog from humsurfer.com. To comment on you do not need to register. This site gives you most of the traffic from India.
Another one is Digg.com
This site is one of the famous on social network. Drives traffic from around the world.
Like this there are 49 of the best social bookmarking sites. Let me remind you that these social bookmarking site are powerful tool in promoting your blog.
Simple rules for commenting,
Be specific while commenting. Comment on related to the subject present on the page, and give readers little more information than the contents of page.
Don't forget to copy you blog URL as footer.
Use simple HTML to insert your link in text, ie use of a and href tag.
Final note, please do not mis-use the power of commenting like to abuse someone, or to put some wrong information.