I have read all mentioned books. Highly recommended and serious reading list.
One of the great discoveries of modern science was the realization of how interconnected the world is. The deterministic, Newtonian view of a clockwork Universe was replaced by the much more dynamic, uncertain and entangled world of Quantum Mechanics. The new world is the one where Godel forever cut hopes for completeness in mathematics and Turing showed that computation, like the future, is fundamentally unpredictable. The recently discovered science of complex systems is about common patterns that span diverse disciplines from physics to biology, from ecology to economics. we will discuss 5 different books that will get you fired up about modern science. 1. Godel, Escher, Bach, by Douglas Hofstadter 2. Complexity by Mitchell Waldrop
3. At Home in the Universe, by Stuart Kauffman
4. The User Illusion, by Tor Norretranders
5. Programming the Universe, by Seth Lloyd
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