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I recently came across Google code search service; here are some of cool features
One can Search public source code.
how to use Google code search?

Syntax and Examples (more about regexp syntax)
regexpSearch for a regular expression
go{2}gle hello,\ world ^int printk
"exact string"Search for exact string
"compiler happy"

one can Add code to Google Code Search;

How to Add your code to Google Code Search?
If you have a lot of code to submit, you may want to create a Code Search sitemap so you can specify all the code files on your site.
else use this link to add your code to google code search; however Google will not add all submitted code to its index, and also can not make any predictions or guarantees about when or if it will appear.
So why to wait start using Google code search;
check out Android source code available from Google code, Explore the code and contribute at source.android.com

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