clipped from iamalwayslate.org

Along with lack of motivation, such factors as vagueness, uncertainty and lack of clarity are among the key reasons of our bad habits, discouragement and procrastination. For those who are determined to fight with these problems and look for positive changes in their life, I would like to offer a strategy created by Dr. Brian Tracy, an experienced time management specialist, lecturer and business coach, who wrote several books of special techniques and recommendations for those who suffer from chronic procrastination and lack of personal effectiveness. He argues that everyone who wants to be successful in this world has to define own goals and aspirations. This can be done in the following 7 steps:

Step 1. Decide
Step 2. Think on paper
Step 3. Estimate an optimistic deadline and a pessimistic deadline for your goals
Step 4. Think about everything you need to do, learn or accomplish in order to achieve your goals
Step 5. Organize
Step 6. Take action!
Step 7. Make a habit of doing something
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