NASA to Announce Success of Long Galactic Hunt-
clipped from blog.wired.com

NASA Live Blog: 'Aside from the Loonies, That Went Quite Well'

Scientists using a combination of
radio and X-rays have found the most recent supernova remnant observed
in our galaxy, located about 26,000 light-years from here. It's the
youngest, most energetic supernova we know and could shed light on just
exactly how the stardust we're made of -- heavier elements and all --
gets created. The finding also lends some support to astronomers'
calculations that there should be about three supernovae in our galaxy
per century, although they still need to find dozens more similar
supernova remnants to confirm their suspicions.
All-in-all, it was an interesting moment for astronomy, despite the racist, conspiracy-theorists who crashed the science teleparty and derailed the conversation.

'Other NASA photos: first of the supernova's position in the Milky Way, the second of other known historical supernovae.



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