Thanks for your response for my previous post Experiments and suggestions on Search engine optimization - SEO
I was doing Google search and reading some of the posts about how to decide on right keyword. Here are some of my observations,
1. Feedjit live traffic widget..
I was using live traffic feed, just to see who comes from where, and which link visitor like to see. I discovered that, If I click on visitors coming from Google search, then I can see for what keyword they made search, I can really check out for the same page how many visitor queried and what keyword. I can read their mind and decide on best combination of keyword. Thanks feedjit live traffic widget.
2. Trend with Google
Google trends as most of us know and get the idea of keyword from there, check your keyword here, in Blog posts section, you will get pretty good idea about your competitor.
3. Search in Google
Before deciding the final keyword do some search in Google to check the competition and see how others are using that keyword. How frequently they are using that keyword in text and in Title. No need to copy you are the best you can decide the best combination of title by seeing few examples.
4. look around, seasonal
check for the season, and publish post accordingly. Look around, for the news, whats happening, like some festival, some big inauguration, and publish some post related to that news adding your keyword. Sure you get the traffic and clicks.
5. Google Absence
Login to Google absence, Add your keyword under top channels, and see the page impressions. Track this data for at least two days, you will get your answer, you will decide on which keyword to be used. You can see the Result here..
Add your comments and experience also.
[7:52 AM
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