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Why and how to use social book marker newbie tips
If your blog is just newborn baby, then your page rank will be zero, even though you have great contents, but there is little traffic comes.
Ways to get traffic using social book marker services. [If new to blogging check Social Bookmarking in Plain English. Video]
use social bookmarker
Why To use social bookmarker?
The other day I got a mail from one of my favorite reader, saying his blog traffic is now going low, His most of the traffic comes form google search engine, but not it is becoming low. One should always see the other means of getting traffic. Search Engines are the best places but there are few more places to get traffic.
Search engine traffic comes based on page rank;
Social bookmarker are having high page rank so the equation goes like

search engines ==> social bookmarker ====>> Your blog ===> $$$
[High page rank] [low page rank]

How to Use social bookmarker effectively
  1. Create common login
  2. There are tons of social bookmarking site, and all needs you to register, Its one time registration. Create a common login and password for all the bookmarking site. Now first step is copy the URL of blog post, by edit post->right click on view post->copy shortcut(in internet explorer) else copy link location (in mozilla)

  3. Keep the good title
  4. This is title for social bookmarker, I like this because you can always play with title mix power. Title may not be same as your blog title, as your blog title have limited title length, and you should optimize it to get maximum out of it[Nothing comes free, you have to pay some price for free, here compromise on title length]. keep the title lengthy and include some keywords, read more about how to write search engine friendly blog post.
  5. keep summary description ready
  6. keep summary description as impressive as you can. May not be big, almost all bookmarker sites have limit on this description, so keep it short and sweet.
  7. Keep the keyword ready
  8. Do little brain storm and keep the keyword ready, generate your own keywords,
    there are few tools which help you to get keywords. But prefer your "mind blogging".
  9. Unselect few specially digg
  10. digg, from this year, digg is removing the links, - all my good links have been removed from digg without notice, do not keep in digg. Observation about digg.com is all links follows xyz.blogspot.com are being removed.
It is equally important to Check the page rank for new social bookmarker, before submit. Add a handy page rank checker toolbar for few days to speed up your activity.
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