A lot has been written already, Just want to revise for my new blogger's.
To write search engine friendly blog post's is not rocket science, Just one has to consider few steps to catch it. Focus should be one three key area's, Title, content/Keywords, and Links.
Lets check out tips about Content/keywords and Links

  1. Keywords
  2. Design the keywords you want to promote in your blog post. Every blog post, you select one or two keywords to promote.
    For example if you decide to promote keyword “ap inter results”, you need put keyword “ap inter results” ONCE in your blog title, ONCE in bold, ONCE in italic, ONCE starting/middle of the blog post, and ONCE bottom of the blog post. (How to get keyword, use google trends)
    Newbie Note:- Do not flood your blog post with keywords, later of sooner it will be penalized.

  3. Content

  4. Write an blog post with quality content at least 200 - 500 words, original content.
    Newbie Note :-
    Do not write too much about your personal stuff, write more topics that a general person will like, and is interested in, search engine interest is directly proportional to general person interest.

  5. Content Format

  6. Short sentences, a lot of text breaks, use more dashes. Make your blog post read quickly.

  7. Outbound Links

  8. In your blog post, link to 1 or 2 high reputation site like http://en.wikipedia.org/
    Newbie Note :-
    Give some reputed links from wiki. simple search is use "your keyword + wiki" in google.

  9. Cross Links

  10. Link to on topic quality content across your site. Example If this blog post is about ap inter results, then make sure it links to your older posts like inter results links sites, about ap inter exams.
    Newbie Note :-
    Just search in your blog, with your keyword/title, go to edit post, you will see search option there just beside new post button, after you searched for previous related post, select the post to be linked, right click on "view" then "copy link location", the link to be given cross link is copied to your dashboard, just paste it on related search using "link" button in compose/edit html area.

Another focus while writing search engine friendly blog posts is TITLE,
quick guidelines for writing title.
  1. Do not give short titles,
  2. Every letter of title should be capital.
  3. Title should include Keyword, for what about the post is.

Few points to consider before you press publish post button.
  • Do spell check.
  • Check for Un-necessary HTML code, Most important check if any html code is present in your post, this can happen, if you have copied something from other place, sometimes it my happen that you have copied their google absence code also. And if you are making draft post in Microsoft word, there you are doing text formatting, and copying it in blogger, then lot of html conversion code appears when you copy from word to blog post. Better is just use blogger's "compose" area, you can do all coloring and stuff like microsoft word here.
  • Tell to search engine about your blog updates. Ping once you update the blog. using pingomatic , pingshot or google blogger ping.
    Just ping whenever you update the post, not every time, else it will be treated as spam.

Dear reader's Share your knowledge also.


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