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Want to become power blogger then remember, "There is no substitute for hard-work". Often most of the new blogger start blogging with great entho, and literally stops blogging within six months or forget about blogging in less than one year. Most of the blogger wonder or say "What to write daily?". If same question wonders you then here are some tricks to get going and keep your blog alive.Want to Become Power Blogger Then Blog for Interest
What to write daily? Instead ask How to write daily? Then you will get answers, and whole webworld starts helping you, believe me every one out here in blog world will help you if you ask right questions.
Start blog with your field of interest; That may be anything, which helps the readers and this world. Check this TODO list before you start blog.
Then next comes, Deciding on topic or contents that drives traffic to your blog.
1. Make Use of social networking sites to get the idea about your field of interest topic. The good thing about social networking sites is that, you can browse topic wise or recent post wise. Make a quick note about these topics and do some search or if you know about it, then post a valuable information and right information at right time, This helps to get traffic.
2. Make use of forums and groups, Follow the discussions there. If some question or discussion strikes you or you have some more information then don't wait and hold, just blog about it.
3. Make use of feedjit to check the live traffic for your blog, feedjit live traffic will quickly let you know what your visitors are searching, and you get quick hint about keyword for that particular post.
4. Use the keyword in your title and blog about it. Also don't forget to give the links to your previous blog post and current blog post. If possible increase the keyword density in the new blog post. Make sure you made keywords as bold type.
5. Finally Use your prediction algorithm, This is most powerful among all, and requires a bit thinking. Thinking is simple Consider yourself as user, and you are looking for some information then what keywords you will type in google, being lazy user, being a techie google user. Well this trick will come with time and prastice.
and finally Like I said "There is no substitute for hard-work". There is noting called with little efforts I earn more in blogging. You have to do work, a real hard- work.

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